Much of the value and pedigree of a watch manufacture is derived from how long the manufacture has been in existence. There has, however, over the last couple of decades,…

New Year, New SIHH 2018: 35 Exhibitors Slated To Show At First Watch Exhibition Of The Year, See What’s Changed
Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie (SIHH) is around the corner. Beginning officially on January 15 ,2018, and running through Friday January 19, the SIHH is becoming the “it” show.…
Only Watch 2017 Part 2: Meet the Rest of the 49 Unique Watches Being Auctioned (Slide Show)
Earlier this week, we brought you news about OnlyWatch 2017, and showed half of the 49 (thus far) unique watches that are going up for auction in November for the…
A Close Up Look at Only Watch 2017 Watches, Part 1 (Slide show)
This November, the seventh annual OnlyWatch auction will take place in Geneva on the 11th of the month. The event is one that pulls the finest watch brands in the…
Independent Brand HAUTLENCE – Goes Off the Grid with Black Honeycomb HLRS-01
By Dan O’Rourke Over the past decade, HAUTLENCE has taken the art of reading time and made it undeniably original. As we prepare for the BaselWorld 2015 this March, we…
Hautlence Watches: 10 Years and Counting – Introducing the Invictus Morphos Chronograph with Eric Cantona
By Isaac Wingold For quite some time, the most highly revered names in the watchmaking industry were those of brands established long ago, and with rich histories. Over the past…
FIFA 2014 Who’s Who: Hautlence Watches and Eric Cantona
Earlier, we bre the news about luxury Swiss watch brand Hautlence ving into the world of international football. French actor and former international footballer for the French National team,…
Hot Ticket: International Football with Hautlence Watches
This week the world of football – international football (which Americans refer to as soccer) begins the month-long games that culminate in the FIFA World Cup. Many top watch brands…
Top Five Watches of 2013: Let the Countdown Begin
With the countdown to 2014 coming near, and watching 2013 come to a close, we thought it would be fun to ring in the new year with a countdown of…
Finally Arrived: The Hautlence Destination
Earlier this year, just after BaselWorld, we brought you news of the new Hautlence Destination watch. That watch was in its infancy then, but is now finished, in production and…
Haute Horology’s Avant-Garde Side at Salon QP from Hautlence – HLRQ03
When we talk unusual, avant-garde watchmaking , Hautlence is in the top of the list. Now, with the Salon QP watch exhibition happening in London, this brand is showcasing its…
Introducing the Hautlence HLRQ01 Watch at SIAR 2013
This week, from October 1 through 3, the 7th edition of SIAR (Salon Internacional Alta Relojeria Mexico) is being held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Mexico City. At this…
Meet the new Hautlence Destination – The Place to Be
Hautlence is a brand we are particularly fond of here, thanks to the innovative design and technology of the brand, as well as the superb craftsmanship. In fact, we’ve written…
Introducing the Hautlence HL2.0 new Watches at BaselWorld 2013
Hautlence unveils a new mo in its Concepts d’exception – HL2.0 collection here at BaselWorld 2013. The HL2.0 mos – designed and developed completely in house — display half-trailing jumping…
Hautlence Unveils the Round Retrograde HLRQ at GTE 2013
Oh, we so this brand, with its avant garde, individualistic designs and high-tech watchmaking. Now Hautlence brings us the new – round – interpretation of the HLRQ as part of…