By Norman M. Miller many watch rs who are also tech geeks, I knew I was ordering the Apple Watch as soon as it was announced. I anxiously waited at…

Mastering Silicium: Going Into the Workshops with Patek Philippe (It Wasn’t Easy)
Just the other day, I had the unique experience of spending an entire day at a workshop with Patek Philippe in New York. There, we experienced a very thorough presentation…
Industry Loses Watch Veteran Steve Shonebarger
Sadly, last night, Steve Shonebarger, a 25-year-plus veteran in the watch and jewelry world, passed away. He had just been on an overseas trip in his capacity as Vice President of…
Happy Mother’s Day — Mom’s Are a Lifetime of Memories
I would like to say that when i was younger, my mom handed down to me some fantastic watch and that my of timepieces came from that — especially today…
BaselWorld 2015: Taming the Beast
We are officially back.Easily the biggest watch exhibition of the year, BaselWorld is a beast waiting to be tamed.This year we worked eight days straight from 8 am to 10…
Storage Wars: BaselWorld 2015 Winning USBs
Every year we pe a little fun at the seriousness of BaselWorld by deciding which watch brand gave us the coolest loing USB sticks that contain the brand’s press releases…
He did What with that Rolex Watch? Take this USA President’s Day Quiz
Here in the USA, it’s President’s Day. Right from our very first president, these guys had their own quirks and habits. And, they wore watches. Here we bring you a…
Cheers! Here’s to a Bright and Healthy 2015!
As the new year nears, we want to take a few minutes to wish everyone a wonderful year, filled with success, health, happiness and time – time to do what matters…
Watch Industry Veteran Journalist Roberta Naas Shares True Views on Time, Watches, Brands and Much More in an Exclusive Podcast Interview
For those who want an insider’s view on leaders, legend-makers and visionaries in the watch industry – you may want to settle down with a cup of coffee, or a…
4 Watch Brands Inspired by FIFA World Cup in Brazil (Part 3 in Who’s Who: Watches and the FIFA World Cup)
Throughout the past month, with the World Cup in full swing, we have brought you one of the most comprehensive los at watch brands involved in international football. Just check…
FIFA and Audemars Piguet Watches: International Footballer Leo Messi (Part 2 in Who’s Who: Watches and the FIFA World Cup)
Throughout the past week, we brought you a complete list of five top watch brands that are sponsors of international football teams as the World Cup officially started. We also…
A Complete Break-Down of Watch Brands Involved in International Football: Official Timing
It’s a long head, but then this is such a long post that we are splitting it into multiple parts. Today marks the start of the FIFA World Cup –…
Four Fabulous Finds for Dads and Grads: Watches are Timeless Gifts
Last Friday, we brought you six sensational watches for dads and grads. Since Father’s Day is just five days away, today we bring you four fabulous finds for the man…
What’s Ahead in the Smart Phone/SmartWatch War
Ok so before we even begin, let’s say it flat out – smart watches will NOT replace wristwatches. Not now, not ever. Wristwatches are works of art, innovation, and hand…
Incomparable Watchmaking: Jaeger-LeCoultre Watches Hybris Artistica (slide show)
Every once in a while, we are wowed in the watch industry by technology, creative invention and the spirit of the arts. Thankfully, this happens often than not lately thanks…